LayoffsJan 23
Microsoft 🤴<(GTFO) Jan 23

It will never stop

Amazon YAKF20 Jan 23

Anyone looking actively for Amazon SDE roles in Seattle, dm me.

ex-Dell .., .~ Jan 23

1000 is not big

Walmart KodeAddict OP Jan 23

9% of total workforce is big

Microsoft sitkvmd Jan 24

Nan… there was a 16% in Portland office before

NVIDIA VoteDem🗽 Jan 23

Impact on San Jose real estate?

Walmart blraa Jan 23

None. Most eBay employees probably have paid off their homes.

Salesforce reshapfor Jan 23

They will take ReSpoNsAbilITy

Adobe itaf21 Jan 23

The fuck. Recruiter has been messaging me to send resume

Walmart KodeAddict OP Jan 23

Cut your losses short

eBay VcMH83 Jan 23

Must be a key role - have been on hiring freeze since November. That said, recruiter could be finding out with the rest of us - email just went out at 4pm today.

PayPal bw57ry Jan 23

It’s beginning

Levi Strauss indiepop Jan 23

Damn. I was feeling so bad after not clearing VP round yesterday!

Ralph Lauren wwbertay Jan 24


eBay cmEP56 Jan 23

Sad . 5 percent last year . 9 percent this year. Why are these useless executives and ceos not getting laid off ?

Spotify pkQE38 Jan 24

That actually not bad compared to other companies.

Cisco lolpolilo Jan 24

It's not bad because eBay has one of the highest revenue per employee. So they don't have a ton of bloat. Just sad that the business isn't growing.

Amazon Ru6Ev97 Jan 24

Useless company... not sure how they can justify keeping even 20% of their headcount....

Reddit aYePeeOH Jan 24

Yeah. Good business overall but not growing