PIMCO SWE roles?

What are the quality of engineers and complexity of engineering problems? Also, any insight into culture?

PIMCO MPfG02 Dec 18, 2021

It’s a old style asset manager with most of tech outsourced to different firm - quality is pretty low and complexity arises from tech debt not real problems.

Accenture dcAs55 OP Dec 21, 2021

Thanks for the insight. Are you still there? If so, why?

PIMCO dr8r Dec 29, 2021

Depends on team also. Core and platform engineering gets to do new and some good stuff but the rest would lag a bit

PIMCO MPfG02 Jan 23, 2022

Not sure what the core team does really!

PIMCO dr8r Feb 27, 2022

Cloud, platform and network stuff…