Undiscloseddata cat12

Notion, Datadog offer comparison

This is for an internship (or new grad😉—trying to stay anonymous). Intern pay and new grad pay are both quite similar, but Notion takes the slight edge in both (also paper money, however). I am mostly concerned with career growth, TC growth potential (RSU growth, promotions, refreshers), resume value, learning opportunities, talent, and culture. Which company is a better place and better name in which to begin my career? NG offers posted in comment for those who care. Intern offers are on levels. But please don’t solely make your selection based on the first year TC.

39 Participants
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data cat12 OP Apr 18

Datadog NG tc: 140 + 40 + 13 sign on (180 recurring) Notion NG tc: 135 + 80 (215 recurring)

Splunk yyyyuj Apr 18

Where’s the location

Apple OSkn80 Apr 18

DD. You get to learn about scale.

Notion Shahiii Apr 19

DataDog is a lot bigger overall. Career growth at a smaller company is usually going to be better as long as you have a good manager and good mentorship. Team is also important though. DataDog has a great product but so does Notion.

Datadog Fx200 Apr 19

Datadog to learn scale

Briq yoriichi Apr 23

Can I DM you for referral?

Datadog hself5 Apr 20

Our scale is not big