Tech IndustryOct 28, 2021

I might think that CGI is an awful company but....

I remember, very vividly, many conversations with a friend of mine that worked for CGI in Portugal for many years and they told me so many stories about how incompetent the management is and how they might have been manipulating financial reports. It sounded like some of the Portuguese public services but in a private company. So many stories. I wonder, to this day, how the entire management was able to hide their corruption. I even recommended them to write a letter to the HQ describing all the shenanigans they were seeing. But they never wrote. P.S.: I used they/them to make it harder to doxx my friend. And no, I'm not a SJW. #corruption #incompetence #cgi

Stitch Fix jxjdjv Oct 28, 2021

πŸ˜‚ So, your friend is a girl? Your bizarre fixation on not being labeled a SJW for using they/them pretty much makes it obvious and makes using they/them pointless in this case.

Google bababooey1 OP Oct 28, 2021

It isn't bizarre, I hate them viscerally and have good reasons for it. You are the one saying they are a girl, not me.