Tech IndustryNov 10, 2022

Qualcomm Boulder / Satellite offices getting shut down as part of upcoming layoffs?

Is this true? If the layoffs are at 20% why would they have to do this? Are they trying to keep numbers low for San Diego? TC 430k Yoe 14 #Qualcomm #intel #google #Apple #Microsoft #Amd #micron #nvidia

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Amazon nlpkoop Nov 10, 2022

Where did this rumor start?

Qualcomm artpop Nov 10, 2022

So, OP are you a reporter with “BCG” sources……. Looking for a story ? Atleast create a Qualcomm account ….. so, we know if we are talking to a fellow employee….. or random person with no actual info

Qualcomm brokenanda Nov 12, 2022

Not true. Some of the best talents i have worked with are in boulder/boxborough. Why would anyone in its sane mind get rid of efficient groups? Stop with this nonsense and fear mongering.

Qualcomm bye2022 Nov 12, 2022


voenslg53 OP Nov 12, 2022

I have heard SD people refer to those in Boulder as being lazy….so it could be a perception thing.

Qualcomm SalmonKhan Nov 13, 2022

the entire vector processing team is in box . seems FUD