Today I LearnedApr 29, 2023

Quantum Computing no jobs

TIL that while IBM (Qiskit) and Google (Cirq) offer open source frameworks for Quantum Computing, the field currently has limited job opportunities due to being primarily research-oriented and not yet widely adopted. What do we need to do to be prepared and get into this industry?

Google slopme๐Ÿ†™ Apr 29, 2023

Get a Ph.D in physics.

Amazon NoRatRace May 1, 2023

As a Physics PhD holder (particle physics), I know nothing about quantum computer

Google slopme๐Ÿ†™ May 1, 2023

Obviously your thesis should be related to quantum computing. I took a graduate course in quantum computing and the physics & linear algebra made me drop it

Cisco oIXR37 Apr 29, 2023

Feel like driverless technology in 1990. QC takes another 30 years to get into mainstream. So when you are 50+, you will be expert.