Questions about exit opportunities at Bond Pricing roles (Bloomberg,IHS,etc)

Can someone tell me if there are good learning opportunities in a bond pricing role at a firm like Bloomberg? My goal is to end up on the buy-side one day but I’m not sure how respected the role is on the street, if i’ll learn a good skillset in such a role, and what the exit opportunities are? #finance

Bloomberg dtvokvaa Jun 14, 2021


Bloomberg |TCKR| Jun 14, 2021

I keep seeing flows of engineers going and coming from the buy side. I think that's the most factual thing I can witness. Less factual I have the impression that engineers have very vague ideas of the money-making-machine within investment funds. It looks like there is no knowledge specific to the buy side posing as an obstacle to develop a career in that industry. I am not sure of this, please comment if you had direct experiences.