Intuit Interview

What should I expect during a 5-hour interview for the position of Sr.Software Engineer (DevOps)? What does the interview process entail?#interview #it #engineer @intuit

Comcast UqPT65 Apr 3

Have you checked glass door?

TransUnion tommy24b OP Apr 3

Yeah, not much out there

TransUnion tommy24b OP Apr 3

I do see some, but most of them are for core developer interviews. I am specifically looking for a DevOps interview process.

Comcast UqPT65 Apr 3

I would still study other roles. To get a feel what they would potentially ask. I’m telling you this as a hiring manager.

TransUnion tommy24b OP Apr 3

Thank you. I am reviewing all the interview questions and seeing a combination of take-home tests and 90-minute coding interviews, followed by code reviews.

Illumina pfiM45 Apr 3

Not a (professional) coder but IMO asking anyone to take a skills base test is dumb. This tells you whether they can do the specific job today. Good hiring managers also think about the job 5 years from now. Coding is a trivial skill to learn. Perseverance, curiosity, demonstrated ability to find and analyze information, not being an asshole - this is what underpins a good long term employee.

TransUnion tommy24b OP Apr 4

In today's job market, it's become increasingly common for top-tier companies to require coding tests during the interview process.

Nordstrom 9-2-5 Yesterday

Have you done with an interview? I am in an interview loop and would benefit from the questions asked. Please do share.