Should I switch to SWE or can I continue as a BIE?

I have about 10 YoE Business Intelligence. Started with MS SQL server, became a consultant/trainer in Qlik and some tableau. My last role pushed me toward DevOps by having me stand up the new reporting servers. I learned PowerShell and automated a ton of my admin role. The platform is stable and I got bored. Easy rest and vest workload. Really liked learning PowerShell and always enjoyed the tougher SQL problems. So I dove into python (to learn a proper language) and AWS (because cloud computing is awesome). Working on some small automation apps for my home server right now using those. Dockerizing everything. I really enjoy spending time trying, breaking, and succeeding automating tasks with code. Blind has given me a crazy new perspective regarding compensation. I’ve had several offers around my current TC for BI roles. According to levels, 150k base is actually above average for Midwest US. But I don’t get RSUs or Bonuses. So I am starting to feel that my skills and potential demand quite a bit more TC. Most posts here are about SWE, is it really that much higher pay than BIE? I thought having a specialization in visualization and data would be more competitive than SWE considering how many people around the world know general coding. I’m going to stay in the Midwest and can’t work extra hours as the norm while I have young kids. I am not an Ivy League grad, in fact my degree is not even tech. What is the best use of my time while I have an easy workload to get to that TC everyone on blind brags about? Should I take a good DSA course, LC, and apply for FAANG/startups? Or can I stay in BI and double my TC? #swe #dataengineer

botototo Dec 1, 2021

What about data engineering? You’re probably not going to get the top end of SWE comp, but you’ll certainly make more than you are now.

JPMorgan Chase JetSealPC OP Dec 1, 2021

I just looked up the definition and it is very similar to things I’ve done. Set up data infrastructure, ETL processes, etc… Thanks for pointing that “field” out. As a generalist, my title might be BI, but definitely touched a good chunk of DE these last 10 years

Optum sde_majdur Dec 1, 2021

SWE has no age limit, as long as you demonstrate LC and sys design proficiency