Rant: SWE Candidates Are The Worst To Deal With

Current recruiter at a FAANG company, posting here to stay anonymous. I absolutely hate dealing with SWE candidates and can’t wait till I can switch recruiting roles to deal with non SWE people. Here are some things I’ve had to deal with lately: 1: It’s a saturated market, do not message me trying to get me to fast track you into an interview pipeline, you all have no leverage here. 2: The hiring bar is in general higher now. Sending follow ups after you failed accusing that the hiring process is rigged and you passed every interview will not get you anywhere. In fact I actively leave notes on many candidates profiles to warn future recruiters. 3: Many SWE’s are so arrogant yet so desperate for the job right now. Understand there are people with more YOE willing to take less money than you. Be humble. 4: Be a real person. So many awkward interactions and people I can’t even relate or talk to. You’ll go further if you actually learn how to be social End rant. #tech

Transformco parkedoutw Apr 9

I'm not even a little bit surprised.

Amazon AVun1T👺 Apr 9


Okta shdhsjjsj Apr 9

This has to be rage bait lmao

Google ofcf37 Apr 9

Try working in a role where you’re supporting them every day 🤪

ex-Adobe bxjdkkwn OP Apr 9


TripAdvisor mEtC33 Apr 9

Okay. Bye, Felicia.

ex-Adobe bxjdkkwn OP Apr 9


ex-Meta 🫡verse Apr 9

“FAANG level company” means 100% not FAANG

ex-Adobe bxjdkkwn OP Apr 9

Yup! Bravo you little detective 👏🕵️‍♂️

ex-Meta 🫡verse Apr 9

Why are you so desperate to inflate your worth? Just say “second tier tech company”, no shame

JPMorgan Chase dhekbsj Apr 9

😂😂the last one

Google indiaGoogl Apr 9

Agreed on every single sentence here. A lot of swes lack social decency, and don't know how the society works

Meta FAANG 👸🏽 Apr 9

I hired attorneys for a FAANG and they were way easier to deal with than SWEs. The only more challenging personality group to deal with is sales. At least sales knows they are schmoozing asshats. Most SWEs are not self-aware.

ex-Adobe bxjdkkwn OP Apr 9

Sales also makes me want to pull my hair out, especially entry sales when you are dealing with frat and sorority people

Amazon scoopitup Apr 10

Curious what is challenging about sales

JPMorgan Chase dhekbsj Apr 9

Can you elaborate on number 2?

ex-Adobe bxjdkkwn OP Apr 9

Have had so many people in the past email saying they got the right solution to the interviews and that the rejection isn’t the correct result. Some even accuse racism and threaten to sue. It’s crazy.

Coupang rickyricky Apr 9

that is wild lol