Tech IndustryMay 25, 2023

Rant about Canada - I’m so sick of lack of the opportunities in this country

Okay, I honestly think my career trajectory has been trending downwards ever since my first internship. I was an intern at the top tech company (think phones) as an research intern after graduating from the top university in Toronto, but didn’t get it converted to a FT role cuz they don’t hire for entry level for non-tech roles here cuz ✨ Canada ✨ and I couldn’t move to states cuz I was towards Canadian citizen at the time. Since then, I’ve worked at the stock exchange and now I’m back in market research. I just wonder how my life would be in terms of my career trajectory if I had moved to the states. I regret staying back in Canada. There is so much competition for non-tech roles in tech + 1 open position a year. I’m really tired of seeing people thriving and move from one amazing opportunity to the next and build a great repertoire. I’m tired of knowing that my potential is being wasted here. It’s hard to move into tech, it’s hard to move to any company that’s not a bank or an insurance company. There are no opportunities in tech/fashion/CPG etc WORST OF ALL…getting paid 🥜 as a manager role even if you make it - maybe $180k at best? Well…yea…given how expensive the big city is, ugh…what’s even the point? Finally, it’s hard to meet a decent network here. People aren’t even like…risk taking…they are so complacent and consider $100k to be some crazy amount of money and no one wants to leave their comfort zone. IM SO SICK OF THIS COUNTRY OKAY BYE ✌️

Cisco NewbPython May 25, 2023

There are ppl who whine and blame others, and there are ppl who would do something about it

NielsenIQ 19zrms OP May 25, 2023

Yes, leaving. That’s what I’ll be doing.

Roku arnime May 25, 2023

Complaining about Canada and taking advantage of its citizenship. So kind of you. Maybe your home country is better

NielsenIQ 19zrms OP May 25, 2023

They bring in 500k people a year, when there are no jobs or opportunities, not enough family doctors, weeks wait for an MRI/non urgent medical care after we pay 35% tax. Additionally, lack of home affordability and rent affordability. All this cuz they need to fund old people’s pensions. I’m not the unkind person here. Most immigrants take of lower level roles after 10+ yoe and employers benefit from it. This country is exploiting immigrations for its own needs without giving people a decent quality of life in return.

NielsenIQ 19zrms OP May 25, 2023

And yes India is better, I’m honestly thinking of moving back. It’s ranked 3rd in terms of business opportunities and fastest growing country in the next decade

BMO sqrt(1) May 25, 2023

Canadian here, agree with everything u said

NielsenIQ 19zrms OP May 25, 2023

Thank you for understanding my pain buddy

Amazon idntmatter May 25, 2023

What's stopping you from doing a side hustle? F1, H1B and L1 visa holders in US can't

NielsenIQ 19zrms OP May 25, 2023

I have 2 FT jobs rn cuz rent used to take up 50% of my income but my total comp with 2 jobs is $130k gross.

Amazon idntmatter May 25, 2023

Your post implied you're either jobless (due to lack of opportunities) or in a very low paying job. So what are your two jobs versus what job you actually wanted? Very curious bc I can no longer understand the post now

UGoa00 May 25, 2023

As someone who lived on visa for a decade in US before moving to Canada, I completely disagree. The freedom to not worry about visa. Child care cost is amazing. Cost of living is expensive but I can visit my parents when they are sick, instead of some folks who couldn’t attend last rites. If you are already in the citizenship route, you already have a PR, why not start something on your own? Toronto has a lot of opportunities compared to other areas. Move to Vancouver maybe. Us is not bed of roses and being on visa really diminishes your choices a lot, if non tech a lot of roles are not even eligible for visa.

NielsenIQ 19zrms OP May 25, 2023

Top 1% Canadian (incl my friends) left for the States on an TL visa which is renewable indefinitely (mostly) and have worked in Seattle/NYC for companies HQs that don’t even have offices in Toronto (tech/high fashion). I as a young person want more access to more opportunities. That’s it. 😣

NielsenIQ 19zrms OP May 25, 2023

I need to fly to see my parents and fights from/to Toronto is far more expensive than NYC. (Toronto - Dubai CAD$1800 direct vs NYC - Dubai CAD$1100)

Square Tres_Comas May 25, 2023

The US has such a strong brain drain effect on Canada that the country can't retain talent. It's a chicken and egg problem. Top talent gets swooped up by US companies. Those who leave and grow wealth and experience in the States end up staying and re-investing in the US. I could shit my pants in the middle of a pitch to an investor in the US and still get, like, 100K in seed for 10% In Canada, you'd need to already have a fully bootstrapped and growing business and investors will demand 51% of your company for 50K

NielsenIQ 19zrms OP May 25, 2023

There is so much competition here! You need to be the top 1% to get a role that a top 15% can get in the states. Eg. My friend here was working at a startup or something, couldn’t get far, she moved to Chicago and now she works at McKinsey. She would never even reach the final round here

Petco soberKid May 25, 2023

You are just making shit there pants.😂

IBM IBMerabc May 26, 2023

Yepp. It’s time to go back. Also, we will not trust about your how india is great and all that comments unless you actually move there. Almost every indian in North America/ western country says those words but actually never ever makes the move back in india. Prove us wrong and go back and make india great again.

Adobe KHFW61 May 26, 2023

It’s just very expensive and you need to be creative to make money. Lot of ppl become rich through business and hard work. Why not you should try that. If you can’t make it then you have to leave to low cost area such as Calgary or try to get retire in Spain or Greece. Life is not cakewalk and not everyone becomes rich. You have to accept your life or change it with hardwork. You can’t change the country by ranting but you can change yourself.

Petco soberKid May 26, 2023

Calgary is getting expensive these days cause of the migration of the people from Toronto and Vancouver

NielsenIQ 19zrms OP May 26, 2023

Yea exactly why I have 2 FT roles cuz survival

Amazon oddnameme May 26, 2023

Born and raised Canadian here. I moved to Seattle then back to Canada. The OP is correct in the lack of competition and investment in Canada. If economic prosperity is the main goal the US is where its at. The US has its own issues though. Healthcare bankruptcy is real, the violence is off the chats (why we left Seattle), and the 'I got mine' and consumerism attitude didn't align with my priorities. That said I made a heck of allot more. The whole tax thing is a misnomer though. Americans pay it elsewhere. Property taxes we're nuts, and fees for everything... don't get me started on a trip to emerg.

Salesforce dgwtusluwb May 28, 2023

Similar story. Grew up in Canada and moved to the Bay Area right around the middle of my career. Being here was a massive accelerant in career growth and NW. Got blessed with an IPO along the way which really helped. My wife wants us to move back to Canada and it’s giving me all kinds of anxiety. We have two kids and I don’t want them continuing school here with the gun culture. Pros and cons everywhere.