
Rate my stress

Ivy League stem grad during GFC - on H1b to this day - family has a history of mental disability Then software engineer at tier-2 prop trading for 9y, max TC 180k - navigated layoffs but survived - got married - spouse has major depression due to career failure for 4y - had first child Then at a tier-2 HF for 4y, max TC 330k - spouse finished masters, switched career - first child diagnosed with autism - spouse started new career and also lost it in 3mo due to pandemic, H4-EAD delays, forced to be a stay at home parent.. but a blessing in disguise for supporting our daughter’s special needs Then joined a startup HF 1y ago, TC 190k - amazing WLB, ok present, promising future - moved to lcol, bought a house, mortgage 3.2k/mo - missed the chance to apply for GC due to job change, PD retrogressed - daughter is unfortunately continuing to be on severe side of the spectrum - contemplated a lot and decided to give siblings to our daughter so she would have a family when we are gone - just had twins.. physically exhausted but very happy about the future - new car, 800/mo - startup is going well but facing crunch, 80% chance and 1y more to see any upside - started interviewing to mitigate the dreaded 20% scenario Expenses/costs as of today - 100k in 401k - 60k debt (cards, loans) - paycheck to paycheck - financially supporting family back home .. 800/mo EDIT1: of all these things, my daughter put many things in perspective and I am grateful for that. She takes most of my focus than anything at this point. Those parents, esp with special needs children, hopefully would understand this. But please provide any constructive guidance if you can EDIT2: Thanks for some nice tips on health, spending mgmt, state benefits and overall encouragement from majority of you! Life over ladders!! I removed some specifics to remain anonymous. #burnout #optimism #chuggingalong #mentalhealth

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Splunk tHx@7 Mar 7, 2023

What value this comment adds? Go find a job first

holaboz Mar 7, 2023


Splunk tHx@7 Mar 7, 2023

Stay strong OP. Continue to support your family. God bless. Things will turn for the good.

Amazon lpstrong Mar 7, 2023

OP hope you’re the blessing for your family and hope you strike it rich at your HF.

✈️deck Mar 7, 2023

Get rid of the $800/month car note my man

Amazon lpstrong Mar 7, 2023

How to fit 3 kids then?

Amazon thepoor1 Mar 7, 2023

I bought a minivan with 14k miles and my payment is $400… my 2 vehicles are less than $800 and both fit my 3 kids.

NVIDIA 3490234723 Mar 7, 2023

I know it's tough man, but don't worry, there will be light in some way or the other. You've went thru a lot than most others here. Try some meditation, yoga.

Google eWNo08 Mar 7, 2023

Married with kids, stay at home wife, at one point earning >300k at a hedge fund. Exactly the life I want. I would say you've earned your stress. Congratulations!

Sirius XM starwars07 Mar 7, 2023

Stay strong and this shall pass 👍

Red Hat 🎃kin Mar 7, 2023

You are a very strong person, OP! Sending lots of positive vibes to your way!

Meta bHpl40 Mar 7, 2023

- Stay strong - Reduce expenses as much as you can and you will feel better as the money pot grows. - For visa/GC crap can't do much, just have to wait. I'm also in the same boat.

gtmjds Mar 7, 2023

@OP if you had 2 options 1. Go back to India and be happy forever 2. Stay in the US but be unhappy forever which would you choose?

Datadog imagitron Mar 7, 2023

This is really the question. I wish more people spoke up about how American unfair immigration limbo burns through immigrants lives.

quopt OP Mar 7, 2023

100% the first. Unfortunately (perhaps fortunately) we want to avail the best of autism services this country has to offer

Northrop Grumman 1337hwbro Mar 7, 2023

Pretty interesting read sorry to hear about the unfortunate circumstances. Everyone reacts to stress differently so don’t know but you should take it easy maybe 8/10 stress? Dunno