Working ParentsNov 19, 2023

Recovering from burnout

I have 3 children and have been working for 17 years. Lucky to have a remote job but am getting super burned out. My spouse has a stressful job and can’t work remotely (non-tech) so I also handle the bulk of the parenting work (appointments, sick kids) although they help out with some drop offs and pick ups. Started to feel burned out during pandemic; switched jobs but back to burnout. Quitting not an option as we live in HCOL area and need to save for college and our retirement. Very difficult to hire any after school help at an affordable price. What has helped you keep going when you feel like you are running on fumes? Feel like I have missed most of child 1 and 2’s childhoods and now am missing #3. Tc: $218k

Snowflake hygr970 Nov 19, 2023

Other spouse should be helping as much as possible, doing things like all the shopping/ordering online for delivery. Change appts to weekends for stuff like dentist and hair cuts. Also prioritize time for yourself for exercise and/or spa or whatever. See where you can cut back at work as well Also, 3 kids in HCOL area with two working parents with not uber high tc seems very hard

Amazon vIl1gtsqr Nov 19, 2023

Most companies will only do lip service when it comes to accommodating working parents. When your colleague works late at night, you will immediately be compared and told that you are not performing. What has worked for me is to not Chase TC. Find a job that is low stress, may not be high paying but you will have a life. Also quit learning the latest technologies, instead focus on a domain like business analytics, supply chain, CRM, etc. tech keeps changing but your domain knowledge will make you valuable

Atlassian LpLbkNnn Nov 19, 2023

Is moving to LCOL an option?

Google QGmL20 Nov 23, 2023

Moving to LCOL and having spouse be a SAHP?

Netflix Skip Intro Nov 23, 2023

Why immediately jump to the spouse becoming a SAHP and not consider OP themselves? Strange thing to say

AMD HOyd46 Nov 19, 2023

Single income household, time goes by too fast, move if you can not afford

Amazon ato222 Nov 19, 2023

Talk to your spouse, not random strangers on the internet. Your spouse is supposed to be your support when you can’t handle all that’s coming at you and vice versa. Talk to them and see how you guys can figure things out together and take some of the pressure off of you for right now, until you’re in a better headspace. The most you try to push yourself, the more burnt out you’re going to be so you need to reach out to your spouse and see what kind of help they can give you

Cisco sheuhfs Nov 19, 2023

Prioritize things. It is overwhelming at times - especially when the kids are small. Feel free to DM me if you want to talk more about it.

Jellyfish lastofoz Nov 23, 2023

How old are you? Generally at 55 you should take the steam off the gas

Fujitsu Ramiz Nov 23, 2023

That’s what titanic captain should have done and we know what happened

Grammarly reet73 OP Nov 25, 2023

Just turned 40

Google ABC-CEO Nov 23, 2023

Household TC and how much are you saving a year? Kids can go to community college if needed. You can spend some money on cleaning, child pickups etc... to improve your life. You don't have to sacrifice everything.

Capital One changeee Nov 23, 2023

I’d recommend moving to a cheaper locale and having one of you become stay at home.

Microsoft aliabhatt Nov 23, 2023

Spend money on a cleaner, cook, grocery delivery. Take care!

Amazon vSuR70 Nov 23, 2023

A cleaner once a month is more helpful than you might imagine. And you don’t have to do grocery delivery all the time, but maybe every-other trip. The time savings is worth the dough. I don’t know about a cook… cooking doesn’t have to be a huge burden and I hear you about trying to save for college and retirement.