HR IssuesNov 14, 2018

Recruiters - Bottomfeeders

What do you call 50 recruiters at the bottom of the ocean? A good start. The most useless and vile people work in the sales of people talent where it’s totally acceptable to lie and swindle you into accepting the lowest amount of money possible for a job. It’s the shadiest and most dishonorable career field ever. If I find out you are a recruiter at a company, I’ll totally disown you from my life. I can’t trust anybody who would choose that as a career. I’ve never met any recruiters who weren’t a lying sack of 💩. Why do you think they ONLY want to talk to you on the phone? Because they’re lying and don’t want it recorded. Phone calls are a recruiters playground where they twist and miscommunicate to you and then go home and sleep like babies. It’s revolting. Many times I will not want the job anymore after the pain in the ass recruiter has lied to me so much. Popular Recruiter Lies: “That’s the lowest we can go” “We don’t negotiate” “Your level is X” “Your stock will be worth so much money! In 8-10 years” “The highest we could go is....” “Just saw your email, let’s chat? Got time for a phone call today?” “The recruiting team....X” “The hiring committee....x” All lies. What is your favorite recruiter lie? #letitout

Microsoft @zzz Nov 14, 2018

Wow, how many rejects have you had so far? Any dude chill down. It's a job, and a tough one. The reason companies have dedicated recruiters is that recruiting good people is hard. Same goes for sales. How people behave with you (especially if you see a trend) is mostly a reflection of how you behave with them. I have mostly had very positive experiences from recruiters, especially from top companies. For the right candidates they are going to be your biggest supporters. No one has more direct incentives to get you hired than the recruiter. Once hired, they are also the ones who are likely to fight for you to get the best offer to close the deal. Reason, it's not their money, they don't get anything extra for lowballing, but miss out on incentives if a candidate declines. BTW, You do infact get to meet them too, but for that you need to clear the phone screens and land on sites. I am guessing you haven't had that privilege here.

khEu77 Nov 14, 2018

You destroyed his poor soul

Amazon dmbm345 Nov 14, 2018

I’m a recruiter and really appreciate this comment. In particular, “no one has more direct incentives to get you hired than the recruiter”. If you simplify a recruiter’s job, it’s to bring people to the company we work for. I could argue that the most important recruiting metric is the number of people brought to a company. I totally understand that recruiters can drop the ball at any stage in the process but from a perspective of aligning goals, recruiters and candidates want the same thing. We want to see you get an offer and get hired.

Microsoft DjnSqKA Nov 14, 2018

I've had some great experiences with great recruiters, and also poor experiences with poor recruiters. Similar for engineers.

Mogo 🍋lemon Nov 14, 2018

Generally, I hold recruiters in good regard. I have had good and bad, like any profession. They can be invaluable for getting you that first call. They can also let you know about companies you might not have thought of.

Microsoft engg Nov 14, 2018

I've had both great and bad experiences with recruiters. Depends on the company culture and the individual.

POWER Engineers NtTy44 Nov 14, 2018

Given that most of the recruiters are paid a commission off of the salary you take, they are financially motivated to get you the most money. That said, you usually have to last at least 3 months to a year so they need the right person. I think hiring today is just totally screwed!! It should not take 8 interviews and three months to get a pick.

Eifhxhsvah Nov 16, 2018

Not true. Incentivized to get you the lowest offer. Recruiters get kick backs for bringing you in at the lowest possible salary the candidate will take.

Bloomberg RSVCslayer Nov 14, 2018

Wouldn’t search for a job without one. Yeah there are some crummy ones.

TC/GTFO240 Nov 14, 2018

You need to complete the sentences and understand the implication. “The highest we could go is 130k” means this: “The highest we could go is 130k because your experience is worthless, your coding skills are terrible, and the interviewers thought you were a mediocre new grad”

BlindWBA Nov 15, 2018

Sounds like the self-inflated opinion of your skills - and low value in the market - has been exposed and the truth is hard to stomach.