Design CareerDec 9, 2020

Redfin Product Designer Interview Process

Just got an email to schedule an initial phone call with the recruiter for a Product Designer position at Redfin. Wanted to know what the process looks like, what should I be expecting from this call? and what are the next steps? I am a new grad with very little experience. Any guidance would be helpful. TC: 0 #productdesign #uxdesigner #interviews #redfin @Redfin

Cisco zvFl50 Dec 10, 2020

Did you complete the design challenge?

qDTB83 OP Dec 10, 2020

I haven’t received any design challenge yet. I just received an email asking me to set up a time for a phone call.

Cisco zvFl50 Dec 10, 2020

My intern interview: started with a phone call which was pretty chill. Asked me about why I am in design and stuff. After I passed that, there was the design panel interview where they went over my portfolio... I heard that in the past years, there was be a design challenge right after not in my year. That was it for internship!