Redlands/ LomaLinda, CA or stay in Seattle

We live in Seattle and the spouse has a job offer in LomaLinda, CA. She is in medical field. I can take my job to CA and I mostly work remote. There’s 15% bump in wife’s salary and my salary might remain the same. 15% bump in the salary may cover the state taxes. Pros: Weather CA universities MCOL Cons: Airport May not have many tech jobs CA taxes Let me know what you guys think. I am leaning towards not moving to CA.

8 Participants
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Amazon cndk28djwo May 3

Unless you have a compelling reason for wanting to move there, I’d say stay in WA. Riverside county isn’t exactly an upgrade from Seattle, location wise. Suburbia that’s an hour drive from anything interesting

Splunk of cvn May 3

You did not mention your priorities?