
Referral to Google Ventures

Hi does anyone know anyone at Google Ventures. I heard they're a great corp.

JMI Equity ; DROP TAB Jun 3, 2020

Hmmm, I recall you asking for referrals when you were interviewing for JMI. Good luck with that now. Nah jk I would help if I knew anyone at GV.

Google tEiy28 Jun 4, 2020

Yes but no roles are open

Google Iamsorry Jun 4, 2020

Nah I don't wanna infiltrate toxic culture from IB into G

Google GoStrong2 Jun 4, 2020

2nd hand referrals for VC is not a winning proposition. You’ll need a stronger referral.

Google RIaM88 Jun 4, 2020

Not hiring this year.