Tech IndustryJul 11, 2019

Rehire in Microsoft

I didn't get any rewards in my last annual rating. Immediately after ratings I joined new team... continued for 5-6 months..did reasonably well ( as per interactions with Ssem) in the new team. Then I joined a new company. Am curious if my last recorded annual rating of no rewards would mean a no-rehire. I don't even get any Microsoft hiring mails now

Amazon ofbsyckeba Jul 11, 2019

How long ago did you leave?

Google rafaNadal Jul 12, 2019

No. Only if you manager doesn’t tick on a box that says “Eligible to rehire”, you won’t be eligible to be rehired. This is a rare scenario and happens for reasons other than perf generally. Most probably, if you left with zero rewards, Microsoft would like to see that something in you changed. Like, say, you’ve worked at a competitor and showed growth or demonstrated execution of complex projects. I’d say wait for at least 3-4 years before you reapply.