Tech IndustryJun 18, 2023

Resources for EM job@google

I have been grinding at amazon as a SDM for a couple of years. I feel not learning anything except surviving the politics. I want to try for EM (L6) role at Google and would request if fellow blinders/Googlers can share some resources or tips to clear the process in one go. TC: 1cr #google #googleengineeringmanager #googleindia

Rubrik Ghat CPT Jun 18, 2023

Path to SDM?

Amazon yojassy OP Jun 18, 2023

Sorry, not sure if I understood your question. I am a L6 SDM at amazon and trying the same role in google

NVIDIA teoni_ v Jun 21, 2023

I cleared google L6 SDM twice. Here are few things you can do to prepare: 1. They have 2 design rounds. That means it really important. 2. Lot of videos available on youtube. best one i found was tech for dummies. That is level of detailing they expect. 3. People manager and googlyness round could be make or break. They are not more than 20 types of questions they can ask in categories like: 1. manage team 2. Manage project 3. Manage peer use chat gpt for answers and youtube for questions. Write each and every question map that to your exp. 4. code review is ok. If you can read the code and identify common mistakes you can clear. Last do not take too much time to prepare I guess 3-4 weeks should be enough 1 week for each round. When you have too much time on your hands, the urgency and hunger diminishes. And best of Luck.

Amazon yojassy OP Jun 21, 2023

Thank you @teoni_v, this is helpful!

Amazon MBApppE Jun 25, 2023

@teoni_v is this the tech for dummies YouTube channel?