Tech IndustryMar 8, 2019

Resume: Open source and GitHub

Do you have GitHub and/or open source contributions listed on your resume? Does the hiring teams at FAANG expect this or doesn’t matter because most of the interviewers don’t have time/care to research the candidate much? I’d assume most of the coding skills are evaluated during the on-site whiteboarding anyways. All my extra time coding has gone to projects that I can’t openly share.

Activision Blizzard others Mar 8, 2019

Nobody cares

Microsoft avioneta Mar 8, 2019

Nobody cares.

Hootsuite HootDev Mar 8, 2019

Definitely good experience to have and be able to talk about, however nobody is going to take the time to read your source code. I put a couple projects that I'm proud of on my resume though and they often end up being good talking points in interviews.

Tesla 🐉⛈ Mar 8, 2019

Nice to have but leetcode is more important.

sparked Mar 8, 2019

It’s only important if you’re young and don’t have any formal education

Google git5 Mar 8, 2019

Doesn't matter for FANG, but could be a plus in smaller companies and good for networking

Illumina deathspire Mar 8, 2019

I heard Apple actually holds it against you.