
Rich selling stocks

Read an article that the rich are selling stocks at a record pace this year. Do they know something we don’t? 🤨

Green Dot Corp. xdjwnen2bb Dec 16, 2021

Which article?

Google GNsp11 Dec 16, 2021

Are you talking about execs/founders of a company? Pretty sure they're required to sell based on a prefiled plan; in other words they're not selling on a whim but following a scheduled selling at least a year out.

Amazon Hogarth Dec 16, 2021

Buy low, sell high. Stocks are pretty overpriced. Tesla signs a deal to sell 50 cars and their stock goes up billions? Explain the logic there…

Rackspace yfEa86 Dec 16, 2021

Funny rich quirky meme man is the explanation

Zillow Group rich b pls Dec 16, 2021

Link? Seems plausible but it's also really easy to come up with some idea and then find supporting data afterwards. You could probably also write an article about rich people buying up a lot of stocks

Credit Suisse iyFy15 Dec 16, 2021

Enough of boom midst of inflation. Correction was long overdue. I sold 2 months ago and waiting to re-enter. Buying slowly now.

Wayfair young-monk Dec 16, 2021

musk had to sell in order to gather cash for exercising Tesla options.... otherwise they expire worthless in Aug. likes of bezos, nadella, tim 🍏 etc. prolly cashed in to reduce tax bill in case biden taxes come in. might be also last attempt at mega backdoor roth before it gets shut

Microsoft ARVRShit Dec 16, 2021

Bezos, Nadella, Musk etc.. already sold enough

EMC _____/ Dec 16, 2021

The ones in seattle/WA are trying to avoid the 250k capital gains tax, elon is .. I dunno .. trying score the biggest tax bill in the history ever ..

Wayfair young-monk Dec 16, 2021

1. he gets to say he paid SO much in taxes and keep nagging warren on twitter 2. gets cash to exercise his Tesla options 3. sell high, buy low

dsjxyz Dec 16, 2021

IMO it is worth someone nagging Warren

DoorDash DD43 Dec 16, 2021

Joe Biden raises taxes, people sell, we all suffer