HR IssuesNov 27, 2018

Rituals/Symbols at work?

What are some rituals or symbols at your workplace? For example, at my company, we have a ritual of a quarterly bbq at the CEO’s house (attendance is mandatory if you have any sense. People that blow it off will have unintended consequences) A symbol we have is people in management have offices, with higher level execs having nicer furniture/paintings in their office/etc. Which matches their status in the organisation

Amazon VpYJ78 Nov 27, 2018

We do a human sacrifice of the lowest performers at all hands. I still remember the aftermath of the fire phone, we feasted on the flesh of the least effective for many days.

JmnG16wb OP Nov 27, 2018

Lmao I knew someone from amazon would comment this

Amazon n0v Nov 27, 2018

Though the main brains behind the fire phone managed to survive (Jeff).

Google Lovedoo Nov 27, 2018

We display signs from Illuminati to intern sacrifice. We no longer claim to do no evil after our liberal wing allowed satanic worshipping. Basically everything is allowed except following the symbol of the elephant.

Google Ex-Amazon Nov 27, 2018

Feels nice to know all that Noogler brainwashing I had last month was all bullshit. Cos, it seriously sounded dangerously stupid.

ReadMyName Nov 27, 2018

Whenever anyone says ‘diversity’, we bow down, get on knees and chant well rehearsed verses.

Amazon ncIdjx Nov 27, 2018


Microsoft megaevent Nov 27, 2018

We use IE

JmnG16wb OP Nov 27, 2018

Lol yes eating your own dog food, very important.

Microsoft megaevent Nov 27, 2018

Na I was kidding. Chrome on Mac here.

Salesforce boohoohooh Nov 27, 2018

We use random Hawaiian words.

Amazon Am A Bot Nov 29, 2018

One of my old teams at Amazon had a ritual of playing cooperative board games right before peak season hit to help build camaraderie. My favorite was one I started at a past employer because standup went too long (over an hour for a group of 20 devs). People didn’t put enough thought into status and it took forever. So every Friday prose was forbidden in standup. One guy did a Limeric. Someone did a sea shanty. Another creative guy did his in iambic pentameter which spurred other variants. I went for the simplest of them all: a haiku. We had a tradition to take the best one and add it to the board. After standup anyone who needed further clarification got it—offline.