
Rules for thee for not for me

Company: moves job to a low cost area to save money via outsourcing Person: remote offer and moves household costs to a low cost area to save money Company: 😡😡😡 you can't do that, RTO Person: buys cheaper goods/services and products from outsourced companies (byd, TikTok, Huawei, tencent) EDIT: I know this goes both ways, these are eg. but my argument is country agnostic Companies: 😡😡😡 you can't do that, here's lobbying money to ban outsourced products TLDR You will have a low paying job and will be forced to buy the more expensive product. They're double dipping and winning

Meta kdnti8775 Apr 25

“(byd, TikTok, Huawei, tencent)” fucks up your problem statement. Too narrow and biased. Other examples exist. Fix and send again for approval. Thx

IBM p81392 OP Apr 25


Meta kdnti8775 Apr 25

Goddamnit p81392… you leave no choice then. We’re putting you on a PIP. Please go see Sherry @ HR. She has more details. Best of luck.

Gringx Apr 25

How is TikTok cheaper exactly? I don’t remember meta charging me to use anything.

IBM p81392 OP Apr 25

It's free content consumption that competes with other attention-grabby US apps

IBM p81392 OP Apr 25

But take a look at Chinese cars, seems like a steal compared to model 3

CPOInCA Apr 25

Yes. This is the way

Gringx Apr 25

The Chinese government indeed has many rules to keep US companies out of China while subsidizing their attempts to sell below cost products to the US.

IBM p81392 OP Apr 25

True on both sides, but kinda shitty when US comps outsource jobs building product anyway

Gringx Apr 25

Ever wondered why meta isn’t competing against TikTok in China? Hint: it’s not because they forgot China exists and has a huge population.