

I am about to hit two years of experience and will be interviewing at Amazon, Google and some other companies. I know Amazon has system design in their SDE2 interview. The other companies I don't think have it. I haven't really had any experience in system design other than maybe an architecture meeting or two that I was in the call for and I have 2 months or so to study it. For those who have experience with system design in interviews, is it something I would be able to learn outside of my job or should I instead just interview for SDE1? I'm also curious what the main differences are between SDE1 and 2. Is the main difference that SDE2s are often in charge of architecting their projects? It seems like the salary gap is pretty big between 1 and 2 as well but I'm just curious how hard it is to learn system design. Thanks! TC 95k

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Capital One xnpk33 Jul 25, 2022

Google L3 and L4 (sde 1 and sde 2) don’t require SD. Amazon L4 (sde1) doesn’t but L5 (sde2) does. That said, Google has temporarily paused hiring and I’d say you have no chance of getting an offer any time soon as an L3. L4 might be different, but it still is up in the air.

H-E-B Grocery bagger Jul 25, 2022

If you pass everything else but arent good in system design you’ll just get downleveled anyways, may as well interview for SDEII

hdw5ub Jul 25, 2022

Are you sure? I couldn't find any info on this.

H-E-B Grocery bagger Jul 25, 2022

Not 100%, but I’ve seen the same message repeated on blind enough times to believe it

Amazon shitposts Jul 25, 2022

In Amazon,, L4 is not a terminal role and (IIRC) is meant for people new to industry (new grads and bootcampers). Read grokking the system design interview before you schedule.