CryptoApr 10

SEC sends wells notice to Uniswap They shouldn't cave like a puppy to SEC. Uniswap UI may be controlled by uniswap labs, but the underlying protocol shouldn't ever be shutdown? Someone could create a UI in any part of the world and it should still work

DeFi Exchange Uniswap Receives Enforcement Notice from the SEC
DeFi Exchange Uniswap Receives Enforcement Notice from the SEC
Meta Iens21 Apr 11

Uniswap protocol isn't controlled by labs but Uniswap X (limit orders) is just a CEX with more features. Regulation is needed tbh.

Amazon 0xlion OP Apr 11

I think there are a number of uniswap UIs that have already been cloned and residing all over the world?

Meta Iens21 Apr 11

Yes. I'm talking about something else, lookup Uniswap X. It's their fully centralized platform