Amazoncorp. NPC

Why does Amazon prefer to hire foreigners?

Out of 70+ engineers (in Seattle) only five of us are white. Don’t mind but it was a culture shock.

Squarespace sqbftv Mar 9

Well, what I’ve noticed is that white engineers are less willing to LC

Amazon evidence Mar 9

There is no evidence that LC is a good tool for hiring. If anything it selects for candidates that only know how to combine existing solutions. LC interviews are cargo cult superstition.

Axon ashjdsjhd Mar 9

There’s also no evidence that White people are better engineers. What’s your point? Even in companies without LC there are more Indians and Asians

Squarespace sqbftv Mar 9

Also, are you saying only whites can be Americans?

Amazon quit321 Mar 9

Op clearly didn’t say it. He’s pointing to the large number of foreigners AND disproportionate underrepresenting of whites. Two different things

Amazon 0penToWork Mar 9

It’s to make the DEI have a punchline. Stands for Distance, Equity, Indian. Take an Indian, move them half way around the world, dangle a bunch of money in front, and make sure they’re native Indian so they feel cornered in their decision. It doesn’t work as well with second gen Indians, but you can get similar results moving poor whites the same way. Except America binds the education system to the housing market, so the Americans getting the best educations aren’t dumb enough to take that shtick, leaving a smaller pool of whites with the education and desperation to select from.

Amazon rebuttal Mar 9

It prefers the best candidates, and for some positions there are higher quantities from certain regions. For positions that are short on domestic talent, It’s just a numbers game.

Amazon youpsi2.0 Mar 9

I agree nobody can compete with your uncle/aunt. The most qualified candidate indeed.

dogfoodie Mar 9


Datadog siemdog Mar 9

Americans are less likely to accept Amazonian style abuse. White Americans even less so.

Axon ashjdsjhd Mar 9

? Aren’t most warehouse workers Americans?

Walmart shopKeeper Mar 9

@axon Technically a correct observation. Missing the context though. This post is clearly about highly skilled white collar jobs

Amazon tBPw21 Mar 9

How do you know other non-whites are all foreigners?

Amazon youpsi2.0 Mar 9

Amazon.Com Services, Inc has filed 38358 labor condition applications for H1B visa and 14464 labor certifications for green card from fiscal year 2020 to 2022. Amazon.Com Services was ranked 1 among all visa sponsors. Please note that 548 LCA for H1B Visa and 375 LC for green card have been denied or withdrawn during the same period.

Amazon tBPw21 Mar 11

The stats can only show Amazon hires a lot of foreigners but doesn’t mean these non-whites around OP are foreigners

Two Sigma BJdY39 Mar 9

Cheaper to hire immigrants and work them hard

Squarespace sqbftv Mar 9

It’s actually more expensive given the lawyer fees

Amazon youpsi2.0 Mar 9

Employers MUST pay prevailing market wage. Please stop the lies.

Amazon ripazon Mar 9

Cheaper workforce, visas ensure they don't move elsewhere and endure more stress. When managers are from country X they hire X. After a while it creates a critical mass that expands. No diversity, either way. Dev teams are 70% indian 30% chinese.

Syniverse sQrI71 Mar 9

Sad but true... and all preach inclusion and diversity. Throw in a white , Mexican and black. Yeah right STFU! Corporate lies to make you think their good. #EvilEmpire!

Amazon youpsi2.0 Mar 9

They are not cheap. Employers HAVE to pay the prevailing wage. If you have other info, report your employer to the DOL.

MRM TWG_202023 Mar 9

Many tech companies are more than willing to exploit H1Bs and other visa holders for their labor since they can get away with treating them worse due to the amount of leverage they have, and for the fact that they can pay them less (which is regrettable). Amazon is the worst of these offenders, and with their PIP quota, toxic management and fear of layoffs hanging over them, they can get away with offshoring their operations and relying on this because of the amount of money they throw at anyone desperate enough to join. It’s sad, but this is the state of the tech industry, and Amazon is a pioneer of it. TC: 105K

Amazon youpsi2.0 Mar 9

How are they treated worse if everybody is related and/or from the same village?

Amazon mikert Mar 9

I worked at Amazon for four years. I’m a white American. Was discriminated against basically the whole time

ex-Alaska Airlines MdDs08 Mar 9


Amazon bSYe60 Mar 9

That’s why diversity is very important. That could have also happened to any other ethnicity person working on whites dominant team.