SOC Design Engineers

I see a lot of entry level job openings at Intel with the title “SOC Design Engineer”. What is the typical job responsibilities like in that role. My professor told me it takes years of experience to design an SOC and most entry level roles will be at a smaler module level. Can someone enlighten me on what goes into that role at Intel.

Amazon Big_fish Nov 13, 2019

SOC design engineers at Intel are integration engineers. They don’t design a piece of IP, or the whole system. Typically it’s integrating various IPs into full chip, performing DFT insertion, running lint/cdc/other checks, etc.

Intel RTL_ Nov 13, 2019

Integration of IP within SOC environment. This is no fun but laborious work.

Intel intel-guy Nov 14, 2019

Very laborious work at intel, if you are new would recommend joining IP level teams

ON Semiconductor chip_monk OP Nov 14, 2019

How do you suggest I communicate this to my future manager

Intel intel-guy Nov 14, 2019

Btw one correction, intel uses title of Soc Design Engineer even for people who are working on IP level , so if you are talking to any team be clear that you want to work on IP to begin with and not Soc

ON Semiconductor chip_monk OP Nov 14, 2019

How open are they to me telling them my in my interests and what I would to do.

Intel intel-guy Nov 14, 2019

Ask this to your hiring manager as to what your first project will be, will it be an ip and soc and they should be able to tell you that,

Intel RTL_ Nov 14, 2019

I have done integration at intel and its so hard to do anything constructive and people at Intel just want you to stay in that hole. Thank God I moved out.

ON Semiconductor chip_monk OP Nov 14, 2019

What strategy did you use

Intel RTL_ Nov 14, 2019

Regarding gtfo? I moved to an ip team from soc team where I did some design n Soc integration as well. Then prepared for interviews😀

Intel intel-guy Nov 14, 2019

Yes but bar is low, as long as you know basics and existing work you are doing you will be good