SWE to SRE/MLOPs Worth it?

Hello everyone, I recently received an offer for a new role that seems to be a blend between MLOPs and traditional SRE work. I'm still early in my career (1 YOE, 140k TC) and I currently do frontend and backend with Python, but I'm uncertain about it long-term. I was wondering if the new role is a good career change to make, but I'm not sure if it's worth the jump from going from a SWE role to an SRE role even if it involves MLOPs.I'm really interested in working in an applied ML role but I know that MLOPs is completely different. MLOPs seems like an up and coming thing due to the popularity of GenAI and that's why I wanted to ask the community if MLOPs is a good career change compared to what I do now. I don't want to chase trends, but it seems like a pretty fun thing to learn; however, I value stability long term for my career. Thank you! #engineering #software #swe #earlyincareer #meta

Amazon burned_ Sep 24, 2023

If you are interested in ML try ML Engineer role instead of MLOps In most of the companies SRE/MLOps is a glorified production support role.

citagbd Sep 24, 2023

Applied ML and MLOps are very different areas…if you don’t have a strong background in computational science and research exp it would be difficult (but not impossible) to make a successful career in applied ML starting from your position. MLOps is not a trend. It’s here to stay and will be a highly sought after skill for the rest of our lifetimes. It has an easier learning curve but may not be the most intellectually stimulating or engaging.