
Salary expectation for senior engg (India)

I'm expecting an offer from Eightfold (Bangalore, India). What should I negotiate for? What is the salary range? Title: Senior Engineer Full Stack (HR saying its SDE3, but feels like it should be SDE2) YOE: 3 (almost) Current TC: Oracle SDE2 21.5L Base + 2L variable bonus + 25L RSU (per year) = 48L There is also some confusion with the title Eightfold is offering. HR is saying I'm interviewing for SDE3 (Senior Engineer), but SDE 3 engineer at 3 yoe is hard to digest. Seems like title inflation trickery.

Zuora B.Police๐Ÿšจ Apr 10

Some small scale companies have inflated titles unlike Big Tech. This helps them to attract talent from big tech and keep them satisfied

rekr9 Apr 11

> YoE : 3 > Senior Engineer ?????? you'll be an SDE2, it's just title inflation TC : Ask for 35+ base at least

Cimpress StewieGrfn Apr 11

Are you in OCI? j#q2*1 Apr 19

Min 38LPA base should be doable for that experience I believe. You can aim higher though if you're pretty close to 3yoe. Don't undersell yourself you'll be working a lot.

Sprinklr ybFI44 2d

What was the offer you got? Expecting an offer soon