Work VisaSep 21, 2023

Salesforce India or USA

Currently, I hold the position of SMTS at Salesforce India and find myself contemplating a potential move to the USA, either temporarily or perhaps even permanently (though I'm uncertain about the latter). My knowledge about the intricacies of relocation is limited, and I would greatly appreciate your insights and guidance on this matter. To provide some context, I am presently earning a CTC of approximately 90 LPA (55 fixed, variable and stocks) and possess over 7+ years of experience. At the age of 30 and being unmarried, I believe this might be an opportune moment to explore international prospects. As part of my relocation plans, my company has offered to assist with securing an L1 Visa for me, as the processing time for H1B visas tends to be quite extensive. I must admit, the prospect of relocating has left me feeling somewhat apprehensive. I'm at a crossroads and would appreciate your valuable input. Should I take the plunge and relocate to the USA, or would it be wiser to continue my career in India? Additionally, I'm curious to know what the expected salary range is for a position equivalent to mine in the San Francisco area? Thank you all for your time and assistance. #salesforce #relocation #usa #india #workvisa #l1

26 Participants
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Microsoft work1work Sep 21, 2023

90LPA at 7yoe? That's too good

Microsoft remot Sep 21, 2023

Salesforce india provides international transfer then ? Didn't knew about it

ServiceNow wfen37 Sep 22, 2023

No brainer, move to us

Intuit 🅿️⭕⭕®️ Sep 23, 2023

How easy/hard is internal mobility in Salesforce?

Tesco seeker@03 Sep 25, 2023

Move to US if you want to experience working outside India. But you won't be able to change jobs on L1 visa.

Salesforce enYH72 Sep 26, 2023

With that TC I would stay in India

Microsoft hikfu Sep 30, 2023

Can you move outside India in Salesforce?

VMware qVQf08 Oct 10, 2023

Move to USA. You can apply Gc with L1 visa