Salesforce MA

I’m seeing job postings for Salesforce Cambridge and Salesforce Burlington. Does anybody work for Salesforce in Boston as a Software Engineer? I am curious on which office you work, the work culture, the WLB (e.g. oncall schedule, typical week, and crunch weeks) and if you enjoy your work. Theres a lot of information for Salesforce in SF but nothing really about Salesforce in Boston. Also, providing TC and YoE/Job Title would be appreciated.

Dell LUHV04 Aug 4, 2019

Also if there senior management openings in salesforce Cambridge , can folks let me know ? I tried multiple times with referrals , but haven’t heard back ever

Amazon Any1hiring Aug 4, 2019

Senior Management in what field

Dell LUHV04 Aug 4, 2019

Software engineering , site reliability, customer success

Blue Cross Blue Shield GitDiff Aug 4, 2019

Tc and YOE?