Return to OfficeJul 28, 2023

Samsung Return to Office

Samsung Electronics America emailed employees this week saying that starting in September we will move from a 3/2 to a 4/1 in office work week. They claimed it's because the company isn't performing so they want people to collaborate more.

Meta nullptr510 Jul 28, 2023

Damn, here we go with the next phase of RTO where they will change from 3/2 to 4/1 ๐Ÿ˜ข

Vj0X32 Jul 28, 2023

Seems like the era of "business on the top, pajamas on the bottom" is coming to a close

Datadog berning Jul 28, 2023

Collaborate more? But how do I show individual impact then?

Duke Energy oUGA01 Jul 28, 2023

Wow.. i thought this post was gonna be from fully remote to 3/2. If 3 days a week isnโ€™t helping them collaborate more then maybe they need to look at other performance metrics. Ridiculous

Vj0X32 Jul 28, 2023

It seems like only yesterday when the idea of working from home was heralded as the future of work. Freedom, flexibility, no commutes - it sounded like a dream. But as we've seen with Samsung's new policy, and I'm sure many other companies will follow suit, there's a growing realization that the remote work utopia might not be as perfect as we once thought. Now, I know there are folks out there who will shout from the rooftops that WFH is the be-all and end-all. They'll argue that being in the office is archaic, outdated, a relic of a bygone era. But here's something to chew on: collaboration and spontaneous idea generation are integral to a company's success, and that's something a Zoom call can never truly replicate. Picture this. You're in the office, you bump into a colleague in the hallway, you start chatting, and boom - a light bulb moment. Can that happen when you're working from your couch, in your pajamas, with Netflix playing in the background? I'd wager not. As for the folks who are anti-RTO and pro-WFH, I get it. The idea of rolling out of bed and straight into your home office is appealing. But let's not forget that part of adulting is adapting to change, and sometimes that means wearing pants and leaving the house. And yes, that might include the occasional commute and having to actually talk to people face to face. Shocking, I know. The hybrid approach seems like a reasonable middle ground, right? A few days in the office, a few days at home - best of both worlds. But in reality, it's a bit like trying to have your cake and eat it too. Splitting the week between two different work environments can disrupt focus and productivity, and it may also hinder team cohesion. WFH is not the panacea for productivity and employee satisfaction that many people think it is. There's a time and place for everything, and when it comes to getting things done and driving a business forward, nothing beats good old-fashioned office collaboration. So let's welcome the return to office with open arms, because let's face it - progress doesn't come from comfort zones. After all, the world wasn't built from living rooms and kitchen tables, was it?

Samsung bugger2022 Jul 29, 2023

Lmao, HR spotted ๐Ÿ˜‚

Qualcomm korokSeekr Jul 29, 2023

That lightbulb moment has never happened and you know it jackass