Seattle to bay area salary

Is there a factor by which we can multiply to get approximate bay area salary? Also what do you prefer when it comes to location? (If you Ignore compensation)

Google bEdY35 May 3, 2018


Facebook ShotsFired May 3, 2018

^^ yep its the same like it or not

Microsoft Lumineer May 3, 2018

For Microsoft its almost 10% increase

Amazon JeffyB May 3, 2018

I moved from Seattle to NYC and got ~10% increase in salary. I also got more stock and higher bonuses too

Microsoft nDgU10 May 3, 2018

For amzn it's 20% extra I believe

ChangePoint jlea2585 May 3, 2018

There are cost of living calculators. Check those out. You might make more but you also pay income tax in both CA and NY

Google Pakfjcoois May 3, 2018

Goog and FB now pay Bay Area salaries in Seattle.

Google Facebook May 3, 2018

True for FB, but G still adjusts for about 10%

Amazon Gotchaa May 3, 2018

For Amazon, you can expect a ~15% bump in your TC, , approx 10-12% for MS, Google and FB have started paying Bay Area salaries in Seattle so cant really do much Based on my experience, if looking at it from a purely savings perspective, the TC bump should be in the range of 15-20% for the savings to remain the same. However, in general, I think Bay Area has better opportunities on offer and if you do not have family and a house in Seattle, I would say move for anything above 10%

Facebook public May 3, 2018

About negative 11% (state income tax)