Security CareerDec 21, 2021

Security engineer interviews at Google, Apple

Hi! What are the interview processes for Security Engineers at Google and Apple? Are they the same as SWE? All leetcode or do they have security components? Referrals to those places would be super appreciated too! TC: 170k as SWE #cybersecurity #interview #security #google #apple

Cognizant PC-TC Dec 21, 2021

Leetcode easy and medium should be fine. But security is vast area. Be prepared all those areas.

JPMorgan Chase Kil0 Dec 28, 2021

I hate the fact that we still get coding interviews for security positions. There is literally so much to learn. Why can't it be more security related like analysing Malware or something

Cognizant PC-TC Dec 28, 2021

Yes agree. Developers itself hate the leetcode because it won’t help in real-time. Obviously it won’t matter for security.

Meta qGPy54 Dec 23, 2021

What role?

Apple YrTrudy Dec 24, 2021

At Apple, if the role is in one of the Software Engineering (SWE) teams you would have some coding questions, usually LC medium. There can be any where from 5 interview to 10 interviews depending on the team within SWE. Not all of those will have coding. The idea is to make sure most of the team has had the chance to meet with you.

Intuit Bruce189 Dec 25, 2021

Dm for google referral

Google JRoot Dec 30, 2021

For Google, you'd have a few coding questions. Nothing crazy hard and definitely not SWE level questions. You'd also have security domain questions (ie networking, application, os, etc.).