
See a lot of hate for Elon, but he is way superior to Sundar and most other tech leaders

Some of the dislike towards him is warranted, but if I had a company or startup I’d take advice from Elon above any other shill tech CEO. Agree?

45 Participants
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State Farm cogs11 Apr 17

Will your stock going up more? I feel there's more to go

Amazon welldone🥩 Apr 17

Elon lately has a pretty bad reputation. But that’s mostly due to his politics. In terms of business accomplishments no current big tech ceo even comes close.

Amazon inakitaz Apr 17

Fr show me one other ceo who could dismantle a social media they hate as effectively as he did to twitter

SAP bambam781 Apr 18

You sure about? Tesla is pretty much just a government backed company. It’s coming back down to reality

Apple 🐜 👨 man Apr 17

I think both are good. Sundar is hiring more in India and Elon is expanding operations there as well. Tough pick.

Tesla tslalayoff Apr 17

Shut up

ex-Snap FightFears Apr 17

He’s a jerk but is definitely driving very creative and actually useful enterprises and raising the bar. He deserves to live. Many of the other tech CEOs are just running the mill and copying Elon or just being administrators.

MRM TWG_202023 Apr 17

They’re all the same—willing to kill their cultures and throw people under the bus just to enrich their profits. “All of them are evil, but some are more evil than others.” TC: 105K

Microsoft hate_msft Apr 17

Elon is meh indeed, Sundar is just a lucky clown. You are comparing apples with chicken