Tech IndustryAug 21, 2023

Seeking Efficient React JS Practice Platforms

I'm currently targeting front-end developer roles, with a particular focus on the React JS framework. Just like how platforms like LeetCode help sharpen coding skills for data structures and SQL, I'm searching for similar platforms tailored to React JS to practice and improve my proficiency. If you're aware of any platforms, websites, or resources that offer valuable exercises, challenges, or projects specifically designed for React JS developers, I'd greatly appreciate your recommendations. These could include anything from small coding exercises to full-fledged projects, helping me build a solid foundation and grow in this role. Your insights and suggestions would be incredibly valuable to me and would contribute significantly to my job search. Thank you in advance for any guidance you can provide. TC: 0 (Laid off) YOE: 3 #job #software #frontend #UI #web #engineer #layoff

lukn4u Aug 21, 2023 is good What’s your yoe?

Idexcel RDys86 OP Aug 21, 2023


Wish WishLol Aug 21, 2023 which was done by the guy who put together blind 75