Seeking Microchip, Viasat, ASML, and Intel Referrals

Hi all, I’m a recent UCLA MSEE grad with 2YOE during grad school. I would really appreciate it if anyone could provide me with a referral to any of the aforementioned companies in which I have found new grad roles. Thanks in advance #microchiptechnology #viasat #intel #asml

Qualcomm irsvbnqa Mar 26

I can refer at Intel please dm

Intel boom. Mar 26

DM for Intel

General Motors copycode2 OP Mar 26

Thanks, just DM’d

ASML embedded9 Mar 27


General Motors copycode2 OP Mar 27

Thanks! I’ve run out of chats for the month; I’ll send a message over on Monday

ASML YEgS05 Mar 27


ASML tryfindme Mar 27

Dm for asml

Microchip cbgdev Mar 28

We're in big downturn and total headcount is frozen. Try for us in 1-2Qtrs

General Motors copycode2 OP Mar 29

That sounds right given the market. However I remember a recruiter at a career fair at my school hiring for some new grad HW roles and telling me to email him in a few weeks when some FW stuff opened up (and I have been seeing junior level FW stuff on their site).

General Motors copycode2 OP Mar 29

If you think there’s still a shot I’d really appreciate it if you would consider providing a referral. However it sounds like they may just be keeping posts open to collect resumes/boost stock provide without hiring anyone.