Sell stocks ?

Looks like the market is going to come crashing down tomorrow (has already been .. but more) I have only 2.6% profit on my s&p index fund. Should I sell it now (eod price of tomorrow)? I think if I keep it for another day, I'm going to go in loss. #stock #tc 170k #401k

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Oracle dragonflyy Feb 2, 2020

Sell Sell Sell

Microsoft hurray1 Feb 3, 2020

Yes please sell so that the prices go down even more and I can buy more 😛

Oracle stields Feb 3, 2020

Is this a long-term investment? If so, leave it alone and ride it out. You never come out ahead trying to predict the market. Plus, when the market is down, your fund is buying stocks at cheap prices. It will go back up.

Microsoft Netbuster Feb 3, 2020

There are lot of stocks like Snap, pins, uber, goog ready to declare earnings this week. Will these stocks fall as well

Juniper Allout! Feb 3, 2020

Don’t sell. The market will stabilize once the rumors about corona virus settle down. This is actually a good time to buy more. Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful. - Warren Buffet

Google Drunk 🥴 Feb 3, 2020

All I see is everyone becoming greedy.

Apple 2.70|10:1 Feb 3, 2020

I wish someone told me when i was naive- dont sell, its a loss only when you sell. Instead buy more in chunks, never buy all at once . You will never be abe to catch the exact bottom

Microsoft lubed Feb 3, 2020

I did that for a stock - it peaked to 18 , so when it was 7 I bought it and it fell to 6 bought more , fell to 5 bought more and then fell to 3 bought more , fell to 2 and I panicked and sold - it never went over 3 later .

Ellie Mae pWaL64 Feb 3, 2020


Microsoft lubed Feb 3, 2020

Sell sell sell - sadly I think it’s going to be bad , but don’t know how long , so the uncertainty is how much drop before it stabilizes or rises

Facebook QcLm33 Feb 3, 2020

Fuck me. I just accepted my offer. My TC decreases already.

Facebook pathme Feb 3, 2020

For FB? I think December stock is $204 USD

Microsoft lubed Feb 3, 2020

How ? You get dollar value not count

Google UWOM24 Feb 3, 2020

The crash will go into history books. Kondratieff winter is coming.

Google yArh48 Feb 3, 2020

Sell now and buy it a week later at a higher price #stonks

Salesforce trollypoly Feb 3, 2020
