Tech IndustryNov 6, 2018

Senior Data/Applied Scientist onsite: What questions?

Have an onsite with the Bing team for Senior DS/AS position with MSFT next week. Besides leetcode type questions, what can I expect and prep for? DS questions are super broad and any help to narrow down and focus would be much appreciated. At other companies I've seen everything from: 1) SQL questions 2) Prob questions (e.g. coin toss, card counting) 3) Stats questions (e.g. A/B testing) 4) Classical ML questions 5) DL questions 6) Specialized DL (e.g. computer vision, NLP) questions Which one do I focus my prep on?

Amazon rnc6eb Nov 6, 2018

From my experience lots of classical two tail stats tests, A/B testing with irregular datasets, and experiment design.

uhYr23 Nov 6, 2018

Not for applied scientist. It will be more around ML and theory and deep learning maybe if the role requires it, which it does.

Amazon rnc6eb Nov 7, 2018

Oh I completely agree. The bar for AS is going to be at a different level than DS.

Ayasdi ioUp78 Nov 6, 2018

1. Explain bagging and boosting. How are they different? 2. What are the assumptions of OLS? What happens if the assumptions are violated? 3. What is cointegration? 4. What are spurious correlations between 2 time series? 5. What is the null space of a matrix? How do I compute vectors spanning the null space? 6. What is a conjugate prior? 7. What are MAP and MLE in Bayesian estimation? 8. What does the Viterbi algorithm do? 9. What does the EM algorithm do? 10. How does matrix factorization work in a recommender system? 11. How is ANOVA related to linear regression? 12. What is the loss function used in logistic regression? Why?

Northrop Grumman grothendie Nov 6, 2018

Feynman told me not to memorize stuff I can look up though. I feel like a more open ended scenario based set of questions would be better. You could get a feel for their intuition and the extent of their k knowledge base. Treat like the Oregon trail of ML interviews. Although most of your questions are the fundamentals.

Ayasdi ioUp78 Nov 6, 2018

As a senior DS, I hope I’d know what bagging is without looking it up. Note that when I asked about the Viterbi algorithm, I wasn’t asking for pseudo code. I was just asking what it does.

uhYr23 Nov 6, 2018

May I ask your background and/or YOE? Also PhD?

mbg OP Nov 6, 2018

Yes PhD with 4 yoe post PhD. Does it matter? Do they change the questions based on my background?

uhYr23 Nov 6, 2018

It might. Study ML system design if you have time. Big data architectures, etc

qAOI55 Nov 6, 2018

Focus on the coin toss.