Tech IndustryJan 18, 2020

Senior Frontend Eng salaries in NYC?

Current TC is 180k. Mostly happy here, (great WLB), but wondering how $ looks out there for someone with 7+ YOE in my field. Is FAANG the only way to get considerably more than 180k?

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Uber billber Jan 18, 2020

With 7 you can interview for 5a at uber and get north of 350

Etsy aaaaaπŸ‘»πŸ§ Jan 19, 2020

I don't think Uber has presence in NY

nubidubidu Jan 19, 2020

Uber’s hiring 100+ in NYC FOR 2020. Keep an eye out

Morgan Stanley fruubcdr56 Jan 19, 2020


Etsy aaaaaπŸ‘»πŸ§ Jan 19, 2020

That's normal for a startup. Large tech companies will be a lot higher after RSU,bonus. At higher levels they're also looking for leadership, impact, mentorship, large projects etc. In addition to leetcode. YOE matters but only if time was spent gaining the skills. There is more opportunities for large TC in SF