Tech IndustryMay 11, 2022

ServiceNow jobs moving to Dublin-Ireland

Some of ServiceNow jobs from US moving to Dublin-Ireland. VP invites for a team meeting and everyone thoughts it's a common announcement. But all were shocked that people invited for the meeting either move to Ireland or move to other teams. It was a sudden shock after working for couple of years. How can someone just like that decide to move jobs rather than create new jobs whxi they say we need more people. How can we trust such people or company in future.... We have family, home and kids in school/college. How can one can decide in short notice and decide future. The VP who announced is his job is not moving to Ireland. ServiceNow sucks 😌

Vanguard teyH43 May 11, 2022

ServiceLater 🤡 Worst and slowest service I’ve ever see

Barclays PLC spromos May 11, 2022

This is the outcome of WFH culture and will get worse. This is a clear warning signal for people in US or UK or EU or any high / medium cost location. If your work can be done remotely from home - it can be done from any location.

Rivian Our1S May 11, 2022

It can be done from any location but have you dealt with offshore teams? It the biggest pain the ass ever. Their deliverables suck and the time difference makes it impossible to collaborate with them.

Rivian Our1S May 11, 2022

What team is moving?

ServiceNow GeAw00 OP May 11, 2022

If I give the team, someone who is looking can easily figure out who I'm 🤣