
Shopify System Design Interview - Mobile

I have a system design (or technical problem solving) interview with #shopify later next week and just wanted to ask if anyone has an insight on what I should expect as Mobile developer. Would this be like designing a mobile app? or high level design for the entire system (like back-ned)? What should I focus on? Any help would be appreciated! #shopify

Medium wak3 May 3, 2021

Mobile system designs aren't backend/distributed systems so most of these resources online don't work. Focus on client side architecture( MVx style, cachcing, background tasks, threading etc) and also API design and data modeling( what are your api endpoints and what do the data objects that you're sending and receiving look like) Note: I have not interviewed with shopify, this is my exp somewhere else

RAck08 OP May 3, 2021

Thanks for sharing your experience. Yes, it's quite hard to find good resources related to mobile engineer interviews especially for the system design. I will keep those in mind, and will do my homework. But still it would be nice if anyone who had experiences with, or from Shopify can shed a light on this as their process seems slightly different from regular LC SWE interviews.

Juniper stere0type Jun 28, 2021

@OP did you attend the system design interview , how was it and what are the expectations? Have an interview lined up so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Software8 Nov 20, 2022

Can you please share which was interview experience for the system design round?