Tech IndustryJul 14, 2018

Should I take 1-2 months off from working?

I live in the SF Bay Area and I have been working 7 years straight and I’ve come to a point where I’m just tired of working. I realized that I don’t have a lot of time to spend on what I want to do like learning more front end development languages, graphic design, color theory, web design, Swift, app design, knitting, video editing, photography, reading, binge watch tv shows, binge playing video games, and so much more. So many things to do, but so little time. I don’t know what to do. Should I just quit my job and take 1-2 months off, then look for a job? Would it be hard to find a job? I wish companies would let me take 1-2 months off before starting a job, but obviously that’s not possible.

Airbnb Tree234 Jul 14, 2018

If you tell this to your manager, it is likely that they will let you take a month off even if you do not have any PTO. Even if you want to join a different company, asking for a transition period to fully recharge is a very reasonable request. I have managed to delay the offer for a couple of months.

Microsoft sadcat Jul 14, 2018

Can u take a sabbatical which is literally in existence for such situations? Take a world tour and see places. Binge watch HBO on a cruise ship, learn web design while vacationing in Hongkong, etc. etc.

Genentech Spceblls OP Jul 14, 2018

Unfortunately I have not worked at a company long enough to get a sabbatical. Also most companies I’ve worked for doesn’t have it.

Amgen Cldseeking Jul 14, 2018

Sabbatical is considered paid. You can take an unpaid leave of absence from current role. Almost all large companies allow this. Then come back and stay in same position or look for another job once you return to work without the stress of job hunting while unemployed

Amazon VqdM36 Jul 14, 2018

When companies hire overseas developer, the relocation can take up to 1 year! So, yes. You can postpone the start date to more than 2 months!

Genentech Spceblls OP Jul 14, 2018

But I don’t live overseas

Indeed RIPShaq Jul 14, 2018

Take a sabbatical try to leave the area if you can live in a cheap place around nature and recharge see how you could live

Google 🎱figga Jul 14, 2018

Find a job, quit, do your side stuff, start new job?

Marvell 18july Jul 14, 2018

Do you know if you’re marketable? What do you do?

Genentech Spceblls OP Jul 14, 2018

Project coordinator trying to switch to UX design/research

Marvell 18july Jul 15, 2018

If you’re trying to switch you might be unemployed for longer than you think. You should be prepared for that.

Uber meanutoget Jul 21, 2019

Why not take more than that?