
Should I tell the hiring manager? :/

Need advice πŸ™ Interviewing with other teams for a new role at Google, internal transfer. How do I tell the hiring manager that I got missed expectation? Do I tell them at all and let them figure it out on their end? Never had to deal with this. I’ve always been a great performer. I was thrown underneath the boss by my colleague at my current role and was doing great for the last 11 months until this happened :/ Any input would be greatly appreciated #google #meta #hiring #microsoft #netflix #amazon #apple

Google boomer1245 Feb 7

New hiring manager will request your grad history systematically and they will know. Its better to discuss this ahead of time for you to have an opportunity to convince them of whatever you want to

Aetna πŸ₯œITT Feb 7

What is MI?

Google L0o0L Feb 7

2/5 on ratings scale.

Microsoft satya@lol Feb 7

Why not move externally for more money, internal move is risky and you reset. Also G is going downhill, it is a pip factory for lowballed and downleveled folks, not coaster culture anymore

Google L0o0L Feb 7

Man g lowballs but not as low as msft. I might agree to the rest of the stuff.

Twilio dkenbj Feb 7

Hm would have to be very desperate