Siemens hiring process

Have applied to multiple roles at Siemens. I can see one of my application shows as In process (Hiring Manager). Other applications show either not selected or in process (Recruiter). Can anyone tell if the In process (Hiring manager) indicates that the process is moving forward.

Siemens wenwutwy Mar 24

It means the recruiter has passed you on to the hiring manager. Sometimes the hardest part is getting through the recruiter. I didn’t for 2 months after after I was referred for a position. Then someone I knew emailed the hiring manager directly and he went to the recruiter and asked for my resume to be sent to him. I was ultimately hired, but it was a long process. There’s no guarantee of an interview, but it’s certainly a step in the right direction.

Fidelity Investments tired043 OP Mar 24

Yes, that is what is happening to me. Just getting rejections for every role I applied to at Siemens. I don't have a referral though.