Misc.Mar 8, 2020

Slack Channel or discord who WFH while CoronaVirus outbreak.

Is there any slack channel where people discuss any kind of stuff like: - home office setup - how to increase productivity - any other tips - news and all We could use/join this slack channel and start building the channels. https://join.slack.com/t/usa-wfh/shared_invite/zt-chfjpeq9-BHI0~mgSr67N2fLi6sdGEg Feel free to spread it.

H0nestAbe Mar 8, 2020

Are you promoting your channel here?

LinkedIn toomuchvir OP Mar 8, 2020

Not really.. what i would earn from this?

H0nestAbe Mar 8, 2020

You never know. People take pride in useless things.

Sony vapkris Mar 8, 2020
