Misc.Jan 20, 2022

Snap account hacked

Hi all, just thought I'd give this a shot - someone in my family has stupidly clicked on a phishing email and gotten her snap account hacked, there was no 2fa or anything so it was pretty easy to take over once she entered the credentials in the spoof website. I've talked her through filing the report to snap support and the police cyber crime but as you can expect nothing is happening and the 'hacker' is constantly harassing her and her friends and blackmailing her. Is there anyone here who happens to know someone in Snapchat support or can get me in touch with them? Thanks

Microsoft Coffee+Cig Jan 20, 2022

Is your family member 100 years old by any chance?

Microsoft RACe43 OP Jan 20, 2022

Nope, teenager

AT&T pessi ⚽️ Jan 20, 2022

The spoof website where she was asked to put her Snapchat id and password? First time hearing a phishing email asking for Snapchat credentials.

Microsoft RACe43 OP Jan 20, 2022

Yup I was surprised myself but people are falling for this.

Siemens peekachoo☺ Jan 20, 2022

They must be a child? Assuming young people using Snapchat and even click on a phishing link. I'd suggest you to report the account, as it has been compromised. Stay safe!

Microsoft RACe43 OP Jan 20, 2022

Correct, teenager

Magna International Bluegras Jan 20, 2022

What's her snap? We should add and report

Conviva St🅰y W🆗E Jan 20, 2022

What is the hacker asking for? Bitcoin?

Microsoft RACe43 OP Jan 20, 2022
