StartupsDec 31, 2017

Snap holiday party

Why no cameras? I thought they were a “camera” company.

Uber CryptoKity Dec 31, 2017

Asking the real questions

AT&T DDM2K Dec 31, 2017

Someone’s about to go Hollywood and not in a fun way. I’d be on my highest alert.

Facebook public Jan 1, 2018

No one wants their party being leaked like uber, it's bad press.

Snapchat camera-co Jan 1, 2018

Every tech company has top down corporate "values". One of ours is "live in the moment" which means putting down cameras and phones.

Microsoft lavida Jan 1, 2018


LinkedIn job hunter Jan 1, 2018

I can smell the kool aid in this comment

Cisco cysco Jan 1, 2018

The paid actors will be easily identitied.

Snapchat Covfefe Jan 1, 2018

It's something we've been doing for a while at our parties. 1) It honestly makes a difference at the parties, peoples aren't glued to their phones recording video. That's a good thing in my opinion, people are more social. 2) You can get lit without worrying about accidentally being recorded or worrying about whose story you end up on. 3) Our parties tend to be lavish and extravagant, you don't want these photos making it to the press who would have a field day with it "Unprofitable Snapchat wastes investor money with lavish party"

Apple Sp37R Jan 4, 2018

Haha I saw some snaps from that party ;)

Chixen10 Jan 8, 2018

It’s done at every party, not just NYE