Tech IndustrySep 12, 2020
Alix PartnersNotAnother

SoFi Referral

Anyone at SoFi willing to provide a referral? I found a senior role in business I think is a good fit. Also how is the company doing? I read there was a lay-off recently and the current market condition is tough for lenders. Thanks in advance!

Microsoft JediNight Sep 12, 2020

Feel free to dm me your LinkedIn &/ resume + posting that caught your eye.

Alix Partners NotAnother OP Sep 13, 2020

DM’ed! Thanks for your help!

Postmates haorue Nov 29, 2020

Hey JediNight can I dm for sofi referal?

Amazon __innit__ Jan 3, 2021

Hey, can I DM for a referral please?

Houzz dream88 Feb 16, 2022

Dm for SoFi referral