
Software Enginner Accenture / Slalom

Just got an offer at Accenture TC: 145 2 YOE Benefits and offer is good. My only concern is not doing any development. I really do not want to be managing folks offshore. I want to be writing code on a regular basis (I get it’s not 100% of the job). I also have an offer at Slalom. Less TC but sounds like I will actually be writing code and more involved from a technical standpoint. Does anyone have any thoughts?

Slalom Consulting blndbandme Aug 1, 2021

Whether you will be writing code is entirely dependent on your project at slalom At acn you will almost undoubtedly be pushing all your work to india

Slalom Consulting cUFl83 Aug 6, 2021

What's the offer at Slalom?

QipD61 OP Aug 10, 2021

It was 120K @ the consultant level. Went with Accenture. Slalom did not negotiate with me. Overall was a pleasant experience interviewing with them.

Slalom Consulting cUFl83 Aug 11, 2021

Yeah, they don't really negotiate much. Well done and good luck to you!

Deloitte Sharingann Aug 16, 2021

I was planning to apply for Full Stack Developer position at Slalom. Any idea what is the interview process and rounds I can expect? Any help is appreciated :)

Slalom Consulting cUFl83 Aug 18, 2021

Glassdoor is accurate. The interviews are easy.

Slalom Consulting AoOm05 Aug 28, 2021

πŸ₯œ at Slalom not worth it unless you truly value WLB. Clients are good. Company is good.